Sunday, June 29, 2008

You've got to smile when you see this

I just watched this video and it made me smile. Most days, it feels like there's too little of stuff that makes us feel good. This video just proves that, no matter where you go in the world, we really are not that different. Enjoy.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

George Carlin was right

Saturday, June 28, 2008


My poor bike is 10 years old and barely used. But, this is changing, starting today. I have a very inexpensive Rand Trail Blazer 2 that I got at Wal*Mart. For just beginning, it'll be fine. Eventually, I'll get a better bike.

Thursday, I bought a helmet.
Yesterday, I went to a local bike shop and Amy, one of the owners, helped me pick out some bike shorts, a shirt and some cycling shoes. I realize that I might not necessarily need all this stuff just starting out, but I'm going for comfort here. Also, with the amount of money I spent, I hope I will be even MORE motivated to get out on my bike. The shop has Friday night beginner rides that Amy leads, and I plan to participate as soon as I can.

This morning, my first time on the bike in several years, I attached the new bike rack to my car and loaded on the Rand. (I supposed I should come up with a name for her, eh?) I drove down the road to the high school parking lot. I road around and around several times to get the feel of the bike. Then, I felt ready to hit the road. Donning my new helmet, out I went. I didn't go far because I didn't want to push it and I realized that I needed to make some adjustments to the seat height. I rode past the local farm. The morning breeze was incredible, and I observed nature as I could not do from the car. Going at the slow pace I was traveling, I saw a white plastic colander discarded down a slope, a broken fence that I never noticed before, and a close-up look at the twenty or so geese who live at the farm. As I passed in front of the geese on their side of the road, I was concerned one or more might come after me as they tried to protect the younger ones. But, a couple of them merely extended their necks a bit further and watched me. They're so accustomed to cars going by, but I don't know how many cyclists they see.

I have been obsessing about biking lately, trying to read as much as I can about it. As a beginner, I don't even know how to do basic things like shift! Or do basic maintenance. But, I will learn. I am determined. This morning, I even took photos of me in my new bike shorts and shirt. I will track my weight-loss progress as well. I need as much motivation as I can get.

Thanks to awesome blogs like that of my online friend Johnny and his bike-specific one, I am inspired. I'm going to add a couple other bike blogs to my list on the left.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Still looking

I was born and raised Catholic, but I stopped going to church after I made my confirmation. In the 30 years since, I have been searching for a religious and spiritual home. I was a practicing Buddhist for a couple of years. I've attended several Unitarian Universalist services in the past two years. In the past three months, after B left me, I've been praying to God again. I've been reciting my favorite prayer, The Serenity Prayer, in my head lately. In fact, I just ordered a plain silver ring with the prayer inscribed on the inside of the band. I'll wear it as a reminder to let go of the things in my life that I cannot change.

My submission for Photo Friday: Religion

Monday, June 23, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors can't be contained to just the outdoors. It needs to come indoors. (Please click on image for a better view.)

Today's Photo Friday: The Great Outdoors.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Photo Friday Challenge: Movement

I know this shot is blurry, but Jiro looks like he's having such a great time! So, I decided to use it for today's Photo Friday Challenge: Movement.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Itching to travel

I started out 2008 by planning to travel to Cairo in October. That is on hold for now until I know what the hell is going on with the house. I feel like I can't really travel anywhere until the house sells. Yeah, I feel so fucking stuck here.

I created an account on the Travel Buddy website. Part of the member profile is to make your own map of where you've been. Mine is pretty damn sad. But, that will only get better, right?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A lot has changed

Since my last post, a lot has changed in my life. In fact, my life was completely turned upside down. I was blindsided. The rug was pulled out from under me. You get the picture. My partner of ten years decided to move on in her life without me. It's over. No indication whatsoever.

Now here I am, 2 1/2 months after the breakup and I'm surviving. Our house is on the market. I'm still living here. She has moved many states away. It has been an emotional rollercoaster over the past two months, but I'm really trying to remain positive.

The world is wide open to me now. I have a passport and a credit card, so I can go anywhere I want to. I've thought about maybe getting certified in TEFL so that I can teach English abroad somewhere. Or, maybe I'll become an expat! Either way, I want and NEED to travel. As soon as the house sells and I can get the hell away from here, I want to see what's out there. All I can do for now is save money and plan and dream.